Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Gay-ken

This bothers us and so it should. What is he doing? Even the picture looks like he is disgusted by Tyra and doesn't want to be touched by a female. I am sorry all you Clay Aiken fans but this tragic mess is Gay, yep you heard it straight from us, he is the Gay-ken. Thank you Kathy Griffin for getting something right.

Clay has recently announced the release of his new album 'On My Way Here' said to be released on May 6th 2008. The title alone is yelling damsel in distress.   He has let his girl like hair get exceptionally long and puts on more make-up then Tyra.  We need to ask that you help the Gay-ken by sending him messages to lay off the make-up, trim the lady locks, and stop loosing the purse when talking.  We can't wait to see this mess on stage again, dancing like he wants some from his female dancers. What a fake IT is. Don't get us wrong, we acknowledge that the Gay-ken has talent in his voice, but we are afraid that's not all his mouth is talented for.

Look into the Gay-ken's eyes and tell us what you think?  

-Bobbet Heavens

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